
Category Archives: Miscellany

Messy is where the magic is

I have a lot of shame about my messiness. It’s constant and never-ending, fueled by two small boys that make messes ten times faster than they can clean them up, and my own disorganized, ADD-addled brain. This ugly, evil shame monster has been a lifelong “failing” of mine. Cleaning my room as a kid meant...

Don’t let fear drive the bus

Can I tell you something? I’ve basically lived my entire life in fear…of the most ridiculous things. I’ve been scared of people thinking I’m arrogant, of people thinking I’m mediocre. Scared of doing something I care about badly. Scared of failing. Scratch that – terrified of failing. I’ve even been scared of having my dreams...

This needs to be remembered.

This moment is unique in our lifetimes, and should be preserved.⁠ One of my favorite photographs of all time is Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother. Her strength in the face of huge challenges reminds me so much of what life with kids in quarantine has been like for me. And it needs to be captured.⁠ While...

A BIG Change

So in case it’s not hugely apparent, I’m making a BIG change.  I’ve become primarily a lifestyle and family photographer. What does that mean?  It means that rather than wedding dresses, huge bouquets and cakes, and lavish parties, you’re gonna see a lot more intimate and vulnerable moments, chaotic joy, and life lived to the...

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